Monday, October 20, 2008

The liberal straddle

This report from ABC News: "Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., on Sunday guaranteed that if elected, Sen. Barack Obama., D-Ill., will be tested by an international crisis within his first six months in power and he will need supporters to stand by him as he makes tough, and possibly unpopular, decisions."

Let's say Biden's correct. The response? "We told you so...."
Let's say Biden's wrong. The response? "The world loves Barack..."

If you can figure out the "right" way to say it, I guess you can have it both ways.

I've thought the same thing for some time now, regarding the global warming controversy. Some of the allegations of gloom and doom are win-win propositions for the doomsayers. Take this interview with "scientist" Dr. James Hansen of NASA, who throws out the following observation: "The last time a large ice sheet melted sea level went up at a rate of five meters per century. "

Let's say Hansen's correct. The response? "We told you so...."
Let's say Hansen's wrong. The response? "Look how wonderfully successful all of our efforts to save the environment have been!"

Besides, 100 years from now, Hansen, Al Gore, and all the other prognosticators of doom will be safely dead and unavailable for comment (or personal ridicule).

Me? I'm still trying to figure out how humankind has managed to cause the polar icecaps on Mars to shrink.



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