Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pit Bulls and Lipstick

One controversy du jour involves Obama's remarks that "you can put lipstick on a pig (pregnant pause) (raucous crowd laughter)" [CUT !!]

OK, Mr. Obama, riddle me this: what was YOUR crowd (of partisan supporters) laughing at? Before the supposed "punch line" was delivered?

Hmmm? And don't you dare pretend that it was the alleged punch line of a hackneyed old phrase.

There is absolutely nothing inherently funny in your comment, nothing to laugh at - unless it's casting Sarah Palin in the role of pig, linked by the lipstick reference she made the week before, so fresh in so many people's minds.

You're not fooling anybody, Mr. Pretender. Well, I take that back: you're fooling yourself if you think the American public believes your denial for a moment.



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