Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Does "Community Organizer" = "Black"?

In this article, Governer David Paterson of New York asserts that referring to Barack Obama's life experience as a community organizer is nothing more than Republican code for saying that he's black. He whines that at the Republican convention, "they kept saying it, they kept laughing."

Gee, David - don't you find it pretty laughable? Not to denigrate The Chosen One's life experience, but he does have an exceptionally weak resume for someone applying for the job of Most Powerful Man in the World... No offense toward community organizers as a group of people; but on balance, aren't they just like any other group? Some contribute value to society, others are little more than shakedown artists, most are somewhere in between. Just like lawyers (one of which I used to be), used car salesmen, and politicians.

But NOTHING I have ever seen/heard/read/experienced about the calling of community organizer prompts me to think we need to find one to take over the helm of the homeland.

On some other notes, David - aren't there any white community organizers? And what exactly does it mean when Barack refers to his own past as a community organizer, hmmm?? It's only a snide racial reference when a Republican says it?

You didn't pass the bar exam, David - and it sounds like you didn't do very well in Logical Thinking 101, either.



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